
Peace of Mind

ZAR 0.00 (free)

Setup automatic notifications so that you can let family, friends, and work colleagues know when you arrive safely at certain locations.

Add friends (whether they use iOS or Android!) to receive notifications when you arrive at locations that you have selected.
NotifyMe is perfect, whether you're out for a jog, driving to a friend or to work, or on a plane flying to your vacation destination.

Your current location never leaves your device, making NotifyMe the safest way to send automatic notifications to friends, family, and coworkers.

Automatic Travel Notifications

Let your friends, family, and coworkers know when you arrive safely at work, home, or wherever


NotifyMe works whether you have an Apple, or Android device

Privacy and

Your current location never leaves your device, making NotifyMe the safest way to send automatic location-based notifications

Want to find out more about how we build our stuff? Learn more

Get the App

Apple App Store and Google Play Store

ZAR 0.00 (free)

The safest way to send automatic notifications to friends, family, and coworkers.

Automate Peace of Mind
